Peer Reviewed Papers

  1. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, K. Hino, and I. Yamada "How accessibility to neighborhood grocery stores is related to older people's walking behavior: A study of Yokohama, Japan", Journal of Transport & Health, 32, 2023, 101668.
  2. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, A. Okabe, and S.L. McLafferty "Local indicator of spatial agglomeration between newly opened outlets and existing competitors on a street network", Geographical Analysis, 55(3), 2023, pp.450-465.
  3. Morita, H., K. Hino, W. Morioka, and I. Yamada, "Changes in the residents’ step counts before and after a railway improvement project", Journal of Transport & Health, 30, 2023, 101608.
  4. Yuri, T., K. Hino, I. Yamada, and W. Morioka, "Association of residents’ step count with neighborhood built environment and travel behavior", Transactions of AIJ. Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering, 88(803), 2023, 231-236. (in Japanese)
  5. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, A. Okabe, and S.L. McLafferty, "A statistical method for analyzing agglomeration zones of co‐location between diverse facilities on a street network", Transactions in GIS, 22(6), 2022, pp.2536-2557.
  6. Morioka, W.,  A. Okabe, M.-P. Kwan, and S.L. McLafferty, "An exact statistical method for analyzing co-location on a street network and its computational implementation", International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 36(4), 2022, pp.773-398.
  7. Morioka, W., A. Okabe, and S. Sadahiro, "Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Store Location Using the Gini Coefficient", Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 49(1), 2019, pp.115-131 (in Japanese)
  8. Taima, M., Y. Asami, K. Hino, and W. Morioka, "Influential Factors and Prediction of Location of Building Coverage in a City Block in Tokyo Commercial Zones", Theory and Applications of GIS, 24(2), 2016, pp.85-96 (in Japanese)

Non-Peer Reviewed Papers

  1. Morioka, W., H. Kim, T. Hamada, and K. Hino. “A Report on Spatial Distribution of Wells: A Case Study of Ogusuku and Ogido District in Okinawa Prefecture”, Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, No.15, pp.313-316, Japan, February 2017. (in Japanese)

Conference Presentations

  1. Morioka, W. & A. Okabe, "Simple method for estimating how long stores will remain in business". The 5th International Time Geography Conference, Toyama, Japan, August 2024.

  2. Morioka, W. & M. Kolak, "Optimal Spatial Access Measurement for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: Toward Medication Success and Social Justice". International Medical Geography Symposium 2024, Atlanta, GA, United States. July 2024.

  3. Morioka, W. & M. Kolak, "Usage Analysis of Opioid Environment Policy Scan". American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Honolulu HI, United States. April 2024.

  4. Morioka, W., A. Okabe, and M.-P. Kwan, "Influence of the change in the distribution of space-time population due to COVID-19 pandemic on the distribution of retail outlets". GISRUK 2023, Glasgow, UK, April 2023. Early Career Research Scholarship

  5. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, A. Okabe, and S. L. McLafferty, "Spatially-weighted network dual K function: Model development and application to healthy and unhealthy food environment", American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, United States, March 2023. Third Place, Spatial Analysis & Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group John Odland Student Paper Competition

  6. Cidell, J., W. Morioka, and W. Richardson, "Reusing railyards in the U.S.: the environmental justice implications of intensification vs. redevelopment", American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, United States, March 2023.

  7. Morioka, W., A. Okabe, and M.-P. Kwan, "Influence of the Change in the Distribution of Floating Population due to COVID-19 Pandemic on the Distribution of Retail Outlets". West Lakes Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Edwardsville, IL, United States, October 2022. Third Place, Doctoral-level Oral Presentation Award

  8. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, K. Hino, and I. Yamada, “Spatial Analysis of Walking with a Focus on Accessibility to Grocery Stores at the Neighborhood Scale”, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, February 2022. Finalist, AAG Peter Gould Student Paper Competition in Health & Medical Geography Specialty Group, 2022 AAG Annual Meeting.

  9. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, A. Okabe, and S.L. McLafferty, “Local Indicator of Co-location on a Network: Specifying the Method and Discovering the Trend of Opening Store Locations”, West Lakes Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting Online, November 2021. Third Place, Doctoral-level Oral Presentation Award

  10. Okabe, K., W. Morioka, Y. Kasai, A. Nakagawa, K. Takeyama, and A. Matsumoto. (2021, October). "Visualizing daily neighborhood space of Ritto City in Shiga Prefecture using Leaflet", The 30th Annual Meeting of the Geographic Information Systems Conference [D31-3-3], online Japan, October 2021. (in Japanese)

  11. Morioka, W., A. Okabe, M.-P. Kwan, and S.L. McLafferty, “Exact Statistical Method for Analyzing Co-location on a Street Network and Its Computational Implementation”, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting Online, April 2021. Finalist, AAG GIScience & Systems (GISS) Specialty Group Student Paper Competition
  12. Morioka, W., A. Okabe, M.-P. Kwan, and S.L. McLafferty, “Exact Statistical Method for Analyzing Co-location on a Street Network and Its Computational Implementation”, West Lakes Division American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting Online, November 2020.
  13. Morioka, W., A. Okabe, M.-P. Kwan, and S.L. McLafferty, “Dual Cross K Function on Networks: An Alternative Method for Discovering Spatial Colocation Patterns”, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting in Denver, April 2020. (in-person meeting was canceled due to COVID-19) Research Award, AAG Applied Geography (AG) Specialty Group; Student Travel Award, AAG Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group
  14. Morioka, W., Y. Sadahiro, and A. Okabe, “Spatio-temporal Analysis of Hot Spots by Using a Telephone Book”, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 26, B-2-2 (CD-ROM), Japan, October 2017. (in Japanese)
  15. Morioka, W., Y. Sadahiro, S. Mishio, and T. Kobayashi, “Evaluation of Defensive Situations in Football Games: Focusing on the Possibility of Passes”, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 24, C-4-2 (CD-ROM), Japan, October 2015. (in Japanese)
  16. Morioka, W. and A. Okabe, “A GIS-based Method for Converting Area-based Data to Network-based Data and Its Application”, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 22, D-4-3 (CD-ROM), Japan, October 2013. (in Japanese)
  17. Okabe, A. and W. Morioka, “A GIS-based Method for Converting Area-based Data to Network-based Data and Its Application”, ICA Workshop on Street Networks and Transport Proceedings, pp3, Germany, August 2013.

Poster Presentations

  1. Morioka, W. "Short-term course for high school students to learn how GIScience is fun through historical mapping and VR activities. CaGIS+UCGIS Symposium 2024", Columbus, OH, United States, June 2024. ICA Scholarship
  2. Morioka, W., and J. Cidell, "Railyards Redevelopment and Environmental Justice in Chicago", Transport Chicago 2023 at voco Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, June 2023. 
  3. Morioka, W., A. Okabe, and M.-P. Kwan, "Influence of the change in the distribution of space-time population due to COVID-19 pandemic on the distribution of retail outlets", UCGIS 2023 at Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, June 2023. 
  4. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, A. Okabe, and S. L. McLafferty, "Spatially-weighted network dual K function: Model development and application to healthy and unhealthy food environment", SESE Research Review at UIUC, Urbana, IL, United States, February 2023. Third Place, 2023 SESE Research Review Student Poster Competition
  5. Yamato, K., and W. Morioka, "Re:Earth Workshop: Mapping Historical Photos with Uni High Students", SESE Research Review at UIUC, Urbana, IL, United States, February 2023. 
  6. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, A. Okabe, and S.L. McLafferty, "Local indicator of spatial agglomeration between newly opened outlets and existing competitors on a street network", Geo-Resolution at Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, United States, September 2023.
  7. Morioka, W. "Exploring Local Histories by Creating Web Maps with Uni High Students", SESE Research Review in UIUC February 2022.
  8. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, A. Okabe, and S.L. McLafferty. “Local Network Dual K Function: A Statistical Method for Discovering Trends of Opening Store Locations”, GIS Day in UIUC (Online), November 2021. Third Place, Illinois GIS Day Student Poster Competition, 2021 GIS Day in UIUC
  9. Okabe, K., Y. Kasai, A. Nakagawa, K. Takeyama, W. Morioka, and A. Matsumoto. "Utilizing allotment of land in chiken-torisirabe-soezu along Tokaido in Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture". CSIS DAYS 2021 [D07], Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan (online). November 2021. (in Japanese)
  10. Morioka, W., M.-P. Kwan, A. Okabe, and S.L. McLafferty. “A Statistical Method for Analyzing Catchment Zones of Co-location between Multiple Types of Facilities alongside a Network”, SESE Research Review in UIUC (Online), April 2021.
  11. Morioka, W., A. Okabe, M.-P. Kwan, and S.L. McLafferty. “An Exact Statistical Method for Analyzing Co-location on a Street Network and Its Computational Implementation”, GIS Day in UIUC (Online), November 2020. Second Prize, 2020 Illinois GIS Day Student Poster Competition
  12. Morioka. W., R. Ross, L. Lusardi, A. Knurenko, J. Cidell, and B.J. Jefferson. "Virtual Cemetery Walk: U of I Pioneers’ Biographies", GIS Day in UIUC, November 2019. Runner-Up in the Best Dynamic Web Map Part of the Student Map & Poster Competition
  13. Morioka, W., Y. Sadahiro, S. Mishio, and T. Kobayashi. “Evaluation of Defensive Situations in Football Games: Focusing on the Possibility of Passes”, 11th spring meeting of the Japan Statistical Society poster session, No.41, Japan, March 2017. (in Japanese)
  14. Morioka, W., T. Sekiguchi, and Y. Asami. “Evaluation of the Proximity to the Nearest Store Measured by Route Distance”, CSIS Days, C01, Japan, November 2014. (in Japanese)

Map Provision

  1. Wilson, R. “Turbulent Streams — An Environmental History of Japan’s Rivers, 1600–1930—”, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2021
  2. Layser, M. D. Subsidizing Gentrification: A spatial analysis of place-based tax incentives. "UC Irvine Law Review" 12, 163-220, 2021.

  3. Nobili, M. "Sultan, caliph and the renewer of the faith: Aḥmad Lobbo, the Tārīkh al-fattāsh and the making of an Islamic state in West Africa", Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2020.

  4. Okabe, A. “Spatial tessellations”, International Encyclopedia of Geography, 15 Volume Set: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. John Wiley & Sons, 2017. edited by Richardson, D.